This attempt on flash is an improvement, as I have toned down the eye movement.
Through trial and error I was able to alter this test slightly so that when I look back
at it a few inbetweens here and there and refinement and its nearly there.
Using flash, I animated my lip sync, this is a test again of the key frames and I have also included a head tilt. After watching it back and flicking through it I think the eyes flick around too quickly, the head tilt doesn't really work that well.
This is my character design for my lip sync', I abbreviated the
design slightly added a few features, he has weird look as well
as the odd shaped head.
As I spent a lot time planning my lip sync out, I decided to start animating
so this is a test using key frames I attempted to scrub the sound to this test.
It works alright after doing this test I see what changes I need to make, the head
turn works really well, after getting feedback that the eyes are slightly over
animated and am still unsure how the inbetweens work.