Wednesday 4 January 2012

Character Walk 20/30 secs max; Interacting with first object (heavy box)

Most recent progress made, really expresses the weight
of the heavy box and the force use to move it out of 
the away with my character's foot. Frames just need 
cleaning up.
Walk test approaching heavy box on 2's 11 secs
the approaches is getting there, but needs to more 
anticipation where the foot hits the box give the
expression of the weigh the box.

This strip of fames drawn into Flash shows the path of my 
character before and how he interacts with the heavy box.
I'm trying to show him kick pushing the heavy box over to
one side as it in blocking his walking path.

The box moves form the right of the page and is pushed 
away into perspective at angle, so it gradually gets smaller.

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